Understanding Insurance Policies In Reno
Drivers who have only minimum liability insurance are a huge risk to both themselves and drivers on the road with them, and for this reason we at Joey Gilbert Law encourage all drivers to purchase a more-expansive $50,000/$100,000 policy, along with $5,000 in uninsured motorist insurance (more on that in a moment).
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Let’s look at an example:
ay you and your friend are driving together and are hit by a driver who has minimum insurance only. Both of you are hospitalized and sustain $20,000 in medical bills for transportation, treatment, and more. Minimum insurance has a limit of $15,000 per person, with a maximum of $30,000 per incident. This means that both of you will only be covered for 75% of your medical costs, and both of you will be left with $5,000 in expenses once this coverage is exhausted! Likewise, if your car is totaled, you will only be compensated by their insurance for up to $10,000 of it. If your car is less than five years old, there’s a strong chance it’s worth more than this.
As you can see having only minimum insurance means your policy can run out quickly and you could find yourself facing even more serious consequences or difficulties obtaining the compensation you are entitled to. Having a Reno car accident attorney on your side can help you protect your right to compensation and make sure you receive the financial relief you need for your injuries, property losses, lost income from missed work, pain and suffering, and much more.
What most don’t realize is how it doesn’t cost much more to ensure you have maximum coverage in the case of any accident. Below is an example of what a major insurance company quotes as the monthly fee for each policy limit.
*This breakdown is only using Liability Limits with no other endorsements or coverage added. Please note this is only to serve as an example.
The state minimum required coverage:
Bodily Injury: $15K / $30K
Property Damage: $10K
Total Monthly Cost: $30
Maximum Coverage for Farmers Insurance:
Bodily Injury: $500K / $500K
Property Damage: $50K
Total Monthly Cost: $55
This maximum policy coverage would allow $485,000 more in coverage. Therefore, for only $24 more a month you will have maximum insurance coverage and not paying more in the long run.
Auto Insurance: Essential to Your Overall Wellbeing
In order to drive on public roads, Nevada law says that all drivers must be licensed and carry a minimum amount of financial responsibility through car insurance. The minimum amount each driver is required to carry is known as 15/30/10, or $15,000 for injuries per person (up to a maximum of $30,000), and $10,000 in property damage. However, this minimum coverage is not the same as the recommended amount of coverage that drivers should carry to fully protect themselves in the event of a car accident. It may seem like a lot of money but many people are shocked to learn that it is strongly advised drivers carry no less than $50,000 per person (up to $100,000) in coverage.
There’s no denying the financial benefit of auto insurance. If you have been involved in an accident,
auto insurance enables you to pay for damages that would been otherwise impossible to pay for. However, auto insurance is far more than simply a financial benefit. To be sure, auto insurance can
be an indispensable resource that will enable you to return to the quality of life that you maintained before an accident.
This is especially true with those serious accidents that are often accompanied by life-altering injuries. It is no longer an issue of fixing a broken vehicle; it is an issue that has tremendous bearing on the quality and caliber of life that you can maintain after an accident. Without auto insurance, you will not be able to afford the level of care that you desperately need. This will have inevitably consequences not only on yourself, but also those around you who both love and care for your wellbeing.
In these ways, the decision to purchase quality auto insurance should not be taken lightly. With lower limits comes significantly less opportunity for quality care. It is imperative that we overcome the stigma of auto insurance simply as a financial benefit and begin to understand it for what it rightfully is: a foundational and indispensable factor that will have profound implications on our ability to live healthy and meaningful lives after an accident.
Good Insurance to Have
While minimum insurance can get you on the road and driving legally, you should not underestimate the power that a thorough auto insurance policy possesses in your life. The old adage is true: “you get what you pay for”. In this way, auto insurance should be properly understood as an asset to your overall wellbeing. Without a doubt, auto insurance provides the ability to overcome some of the most difficult and painful situations in your life. Without it, you may be powerless to change a disastrous situation and will have no choice but to live with some of the most devastating consequences you could ever imagine.
It is important to put this into perspective by imagining the variety of things in your life that may be in jeopardy after an accident. If you have been badly injured, you may lose your career, and therefore all ability to provide for yourself and your family. Every good and enjoyable element of your life can be taken from you at a moment’s noticed. The good news, however, is that auto insurance enables you to repair the irreparable and have the resources necessary to get back on your feet and return to the quality of life that you both need and deserve.
Irrespective of the level of insurance you purchase, all Nevada drivers should, at minimum, carry the following:
- Collision insurance: In the event your car is damaged in an accident, this coverage picks up the tab for the damages to your vehicle that are deemed to be your responsibility (usually after an out-of-pocket deductible that is your responsibility).
- Comprehensive insurance: This coverage pays for anything that damages your car that is not a collision, such as a falling tree branch, flooding, fire, or theft.
- Uninsured/uninsured motorist insurance: If you are hit by a driver who is uninsured or not insured enough to cover an incident, this coverage can help bridge the gap on your losses. This is also great to have in the event of a hit-and-run incident, which are unfortunately becoming more common. We strongly advise all drivers carry at least $5,000 in uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage.
- Med Pay Insurance: If your health insurance does not cover all of your medical bills, Med Pay insurance helps absorb the costs up to the policy maximum. Primary Med Pay insurance will pay the cost of your medical bills and submit any uncovered amounts to your medical insurance, while secondary will pay any costs your medical insurance does not pick up (such as co-pays or your personal portion on PPO plans that only cover up to a certain percentage).
If you or a family member was injured as a result of a car accident, it’s imperative that you discuss your legal options with a Reno car accident attorney as soon as possible. At Joey Gilbert Law, we firmly believe in protecting your rights after a car accident, and we are fierce advocates for our clients through every step of their case. We’ve successfully recovered millions of dollars in compensation for injury victims, and we don’t collect a dime from any of our clients unless we are successful in recovering on their behalf.
Let our attorneys assist you with your case! Call Joey Gilbert Law today at 775-210-1501 and ask for a case evaluation.