First Time DUI Attorney
Call For a FREE Consultation: 775-210-1501
For many individuals, being charged for driving under the influence (DUI) is often the first time they are in trouble with the law, and the first time they have to confront what can be a confusing criminal justice system. Although DUI charges may be the first and only criminal charges for many people, they are nothing to take lightly. Nevada law makes DUI (whether of alcohol, drugs, marijuana, or any combination of those substances) a serious offense that packs severe and potentially life-altering penalties.
For many individuals, being charged for driving under the influence (DUI) is often the first time they are in trouble with the law, and the first time they have to confront what can be a confusing criminal justice system. Although DUI charges may be the first and only criminal charges for many people, they are nothing to take lightly. Nevada law makes DUI (whether of alcohol, drugs, marijuana, or any combination of those substances) a serious offense that packs severe and potentially life-altering penalties.
Although DUI allegations can make for frightening experiences, anyone charged with a DUI offense should understand they don’t have the face this legal journey on their own. You have the right to legal representation, and exercising that right by choosing experienced and proven defense lawyers can make the difference in your case and your future.
Arrested? Contact Our Office For The Legal Guidance You Deserve.
Contact Joey Gilbert Law 24/7: 775-210-1501

DUI Charges in Nevada: What You Need to Know
Nevada law makes it a crime to drive under the influence. As defined by state law, you can be charged with your first offense if you have never previously been convicted of DUI, or if any previous DUI conviction you have was beyond the 7-year lookback period. If any of the following applies, law enforcement can arrest you, and prosecutors can charge you with a criminal offense:
- Driving with a blood alcohol (BAC) level of .08 or greater;
- A law enforcement officer believes your ability to drive is impaired even if your BAC is not .08 (per se laws);
- Driving under the influence of marijuana;
- Driving under the influence of drugs (i.e. prescription drugs, controlled substance narcotics, or OTC medications);
- Driving under the influence of a combination or alcohol and drugs
Once charged with a first-time DUI, defendants face serious penalties and consequences that can have a far-reaching impact on their freedom, future, finances, and employment. This is especially true if any aggravating circumstances are involved, such as:
- High BAC levels
- Drug crimes or drug possession
- DUIs resulting in accidents, injury, or death
- DUI with a child passenger
- Driving on a suspended license
- Open containers
- Chemical test refusal
While these aggravating factors can result in penalty enhancements, Nevada guidelines for a standard misdemeanor first-time DUI that did not result in injury or death still impose severe penalties. These generally include:
- Up to $1,000 in fines, plus additional court fees
- Mandatory completion of a DUI education program, paid for at your own expense
- Mandatory attendance at a Victim Impact Panel
- Between 2 days to 6 months imprisonment, or up to 96 hours of community service
- Driver’s license suspension
While these penalties can make any individual fear for their future, there are viable defense strategies that can be used to exonerate you of the charges you face, or succeed in obtaining reduced charges and penalties. Because every case is unique, the defenses available in your case will depend on the facts involved. Examples of common defense strategies include:
- Challenging reasonable suspicion and probable cause in relation to law enforcement stopping, searching, and arresting you under suspicion of DUI
- Challenging the accuracy and results of field sobriety tests and breath, blood, or urine tests
- Rising blood alcohol, which can result in a higher BAC reading at the time of a DUI stop
- Rising blood alcohol, which can result in a higher BAC reading at the time of a DUI stop
- Plea bargaining for reduced charges and penalties (including pleading down to reckless driving)
Place Your Trust in a Team of Award-Winning Reno Criminal Defense Lawyers
At Joey Gilbert Law, our Reno DUI attorneys are passionate about protecting the rights of clients charged with DUI, during both their criminal proceedings and administrative hearings with the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). We know DUI cases – even first-time offenses – put a lot on the line, and we are committed to guiding clients step-by-step through the process and fighting for the best possible resolution.
Joey Gilbert Law has been recognized for our unrelenting aggressiveness and experience when defending the rights and futures of clients charged with DUI and many other types of crimes in the state of Nevada. At times as difficult and daunting as these, having proven advocates fighting for you can make a real difference in how you navigate the criminal process and administrative DMV hearings you face. Because time is of the essence and critical to starting your defense, you should not delay in reaching out for the support and representation you need.