Ignition Interlock Criminal Defense Lawyers In Reno
Dedicated To Your Freedom
DUIs can ruin your reputation. The consequences can last a lifetime, as the law takes these convictions incredibly seriously. If you have been charged with one or more DUI’s, you may be subject to the installation of an ignition interlock device in your car. This device works like a breathalyzer device, connected to your vehicle’s ignition.
Your car will start until you’ve blown into the device and proven you’re not trying to drink and drive. By installing these devices, the state can determine that you are in safe driving conditions every time you are behind the wheel.
Ignition interlock devices not only prevent you from starting the car, but are also programmed to include various tests known as rolling tests. This makes it harder for drivers to get away with drinking and driving. Every now and then, after your car is already running, you will be asked to provide another sample, ranging from a few minutes to an hour after you start driving. If you fail this test, the DMV will be notified and the response will be recorded.
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At Joey Gilbert Law, we are comprised of Reno criminal defense lawyers who are dedicated to helping you obtain the results you deserve. No matter the complexities of your case, we have the years of education and experience to advise you on the best course of action. Our legal team will apply all of
our resources, time, and energy into your case–ensuring you have our utmost attention throughout this entire process. With our Reno criminal defense lawyers on your side, you can rest assured you are in good hands.