Domestic Violence Lawyer In Reno
Providing Aggressive and Trustworthy Representation in Nevada
Domestic violence is a serious charge and, rightfully, packs some serious penalties. Unfortunately, not everyone who is accused of domestic violence is actually guilty of it. Spouses, partners, or other family members might fabricate accusations for any number of reasons and, if you are on the receiving end, this could negatively impact your life substantially. If you are facing domestic violence charges, you need the skilled and experienced assistance of a domestic violence attorney. At Joey Gilbert Law, our criminal defense team in Reno, Nevada has decades of collective experience and are dedicated to providing exceptional and reliable services for our clients.
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Contact Joey Gilbert Law 24/7: 775-210-1501

Defining Domestic Violence
Domestic violence typically refers to a violent crime that is committed in the context of an intimate relationship, such as intimate partners, family members, parents of shared children, and spouses. This crime involves the use of power, coercion, and violence to control the other.
Examples of types of domestic violence include:
- Spousal abuse: Despite its name, this type of abuse can occur not only between a husband and wife, but a girlfriend and boyfriend, or a same-sex couple. When a partner exerts his or her power through physical, emotional, verbal, financial, spiritual, homophobic-based, immigration-based abuse, this is considered a form of domestic violence. It could also threats of violence or other destructive acts.
- Rape and sexual assault: When a partner or spouse forces or pressures the other into sexual acts, it is domestic abuse.
- Child abuse: When a parent, grandparent, step-parent, or other type of guardian physically, emotionally, or verbally abuses a child or uses financial or destructive threats, they can face charges of domestic violence.
- Elderly abuse: Domestic abuse involving senior citizens can occur when their children, grandchildren, or others living with or caring for them engage in abusive behavior that could involve physical, emotional, or verbal abuse.
- Stalking or cyberstalking: Stalking can leave a victim fearful for his or her own safety and life. However, cyberstalking, unlike stalking, is a relatively new phenomenon. It involves an abuser gaining access to a victim’s internet activities, allowing him or her to read the victim’s outgoing or incoming e-mails, and sending harassing or threatening messages.
Penalties for Domestic Violence
Domestic violence in Nevada is treated as a misdemeanor, unless the charges include battery, or it is a perpetrator’s third offense. For domestic violence charges, the penalties will vary depending on whether it was a first, second, or subsequent offense.
- First offense: Up to $1,000 in fines, domestic violence counseling for up to a year, between 48 to 120 hours of community service, and a minimum of 2 days or a maximum of 6 months in jail.
- Second offense: Up to $1,000 in fines, domestic violence counseling for a year, between 100 and 200 hours of community service, and a minimum of 10 days or a maximum of 6 months in jail.
- Third offense: Up to $10,000 in fines and between 1 and 5 years of jail time. This will be considered a felony and you will not be eligible for probation.
Battery domestic violence is treated much different and has significantly harsher penalties. For example, if you were a first-time offender and are found guilty of battery domestic violence that involved strangulation, this would be considered a category C felony for which you could face 1 to 5 years in a Nevada state prison and a mandatory fine of $15,000.
What if I Was Wrongly Accused?
Being wrongly accused of a serious crime like domestic violence might make you feel powerless and afraid, but it is important to stay calm and act quickly by contacting a domestic violence lawyer in Reno experienced in such matters as soon as possible. If you need to continue to interact with your spouse or partner because you share children, or for some other legal matter, it is important that you always have a witness present, or that you meet in a public place to avoid any other false allegations of abuse.
Reno Criminal Defense Attorneys Working Around the Clock
When you are facing false accusations of domestic abuse, you need fast and reliable access to exceptional legal services you can trust. At Joey Gilbert Law, our Reno criminal defense attorneys are available to take your call 24/7 and are ready to assist you in any way we can. Our experienced and skilled legal team proudly serves accused individuals throughout Nevada.
For the hard-hitting defense you need, contact our office as soon as possible at 775-210-1501 and schedule a consultation with a knowledgeable member of our Reno team of criminal defense attorneys.