Staying Safe at Wolfpack Games


It’s college football season here in Reno! It’s always exciting to see the Wolf Pack face off against rival schools during the fall semester. Families and fans pack into Mackay Stadium on cool autumn nights to cheer on the players in silver and blue. But with packed football games come packed parking lots and parking garages. Given the University of Nevada’s limited parking options, one can expect vehicular delays and frustration. Not to mention the thousands of spectators and pedestrians all crossing the streets and darting back and forth in the lots and garages.

Large public events like these can be a recipe for disaster, especially for vehicular accidents and personal injuries. If you or a loved one happen to be injured in a car or pedestrian accident due to the negligence of another, we at Joey Gilbert Law can help take the emotional and physical strain off your shoulders.

Vehicular accidents are one of the main causes of injuries and fatalities in the United States, and one of the main culprits of these accidents are distracted or negligent drivers. A distracted driver, by law, could be doing any number of things including: texting, talking on the phone, and eating or drinking. In Nevada, all these activities qualify as distracted driving. Doing any one of these activities while behind the wheel is illegal and can carry heavy fines. Picture this: An avid Nevada football fan is late to the game. They’re tearing through the parking garage to find a spot, while also checking the score on their phone. They take a turn and hit your car just as you’re pulling out. The back of your vehicle is wrecked, and you’ve got a sharp, shooting pain in your neck. If this happens, we’ll ensure that your legal defense won’t be another pain in your neck. We at Joey Gilbert Law will help you gain compensation for another driver’s negligence.

Imagine someone’s finishing their hotdog or popcorn from the game while driving and strike you or your family while you’re crossing the street trying to get to your own car after the game. It can and does happen. In fact, in 2011 a local sports anchor was tragically struck and killed by an automobile immediately following a Nevada football game at UNR.

Americans sustained over 4,000 pedestrian-related deaths in 2013 making it a very real danger. If you
fall victim to a pedestrian accident, we’ll help you get the financial and emotional compensation that
you deserve.