Have You Been Affected By COVID-19?
Joey Gilbert Law, in collaboration with esteemed national associates, is poised to initiate legal proceedings across four distinct categories related to COVID-19. If you, a family member, or a close acquaintance fall within any of these categories, we encourage you to submit your details. Over the forthcoming years, these matters are projected to evolve into high-profile lawsuits. Pharmaceutical corporations, healthcare systems, and the United States government will be held financially accountable, potentially amounting to billions of dollars in damages
Denied Early Treatment
Were you or a loved one denied early treatment medication (hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin), resulting in serious adverse events, prolonged illness, or death?

Complications with
Did you or a loved one receive “Remdesivir” (Velkury) and suffer serious health complications, adverse events, or death?
Did you or a loved one contract the lab engineered, gain of function, “COVID 19” virus and suffer serious health consequences, including prolonged sickness, and/or death?

Adverse Events from COVID-19 Vaccine
Did you or a loved one receive the COVID-19 “Vaccine” A/K/A “Bio-Weapon” shot and suffer adverse events or debilitating effects, including death?
Prepare for Compensation Today
If you, a family member, or a close acquaintance fall under any of the aforementioned categories, we strongly encourage you to submit your details to us. Over the forthcoming years, these matters are projected to escalate into substantial legal actions. It is anticipated that pharmaceutical corporations, healthcare systems, and even the United States government could be held financially liable, potentially resulting in billions of dollars in damages.
For more information visit our full website at JoeyGilbertLaw Contact us 24/7 at 775-210-1501.